How I Met Your Mother Wiki
How I Met Your Mother Wiki

Lady Lostris Lady Lostris 4 May 2022

Interactive Maps for everyone!

Hey everyone! Fandom recently announced that Interactive Maps are live on the platform. With this feature, communities can design their own interactive maps, allowing you to place pins on an image that will lead to wiki articles when clicked on.

Interactive Maps are available to all communities, accessible from the the "Explore" menu on the local navigation, or by visiting Special:AllMaps directly in the url. Map creation and editing is currently limited to those with the user right editinteractivemap, which is automatically given to administrators and Fandom Staff, and they can make anyone a "map-tester".

You can get very creative with Maps, from creating Maps of the world, to indicating the path some took on a journey, to even using it to i…

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Lady Lostris Lady Lostris 25 March 2022

Global Wiki Rules and Blocking policy updates

Hey everyone!

About a year after the introduction of the global "Wiki Rules and Blocking Policy", which was created to benefit to overall health of wiki communities, this policy is getting an update based on user feedback and request for more clarity and examples. The changes to the global policy will go into effect on April 4th, 2022. This is the perfect time to come together as a community and review whether or not your wiki is in compliance with the new requirements!

  • 1 The new policy
    • 1.1 What changed?
  • 2 Got questions?
  • 3 Easy links

  • Rules for your wikis must be defined and easily accessible. This can include putting a link to the rules page on the wiki’s main page or in the top navigation.
  • Rules must include guidelines regarding wiki formatting, how …

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Lady Lostris Lady Lostris 31 January 2022

Fandom's plans for the first quarter of 2022

Hey all, first time reaching out to you all in the new year, so I first of all want to start off with the sincere hope that 2022 has been treating you all better than the previous years have. Continue to stay safe!

Secondly, I wanted to share a glimpse of the plans Fandom has in store for the first months of the new year. Brandon, the VP of Community at Fandom, shared a more elaborate blog about it, which you can read here, but this would be the overview:

Interactive Maps

  • In 2021, we released an Interactive Maps alpha to 20 communities.
  • Feedback from the Map testers was invaluable to determining what tools to build into the feature next.
  • After a pause for the last few months of the year, development has once again kicked off on Interactive Maps…
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Lady Lostris Lady Lostris 10 September 2021

The Downstream - Friday, September 10 at 11am EST

Hey all! I wanted to invite you to Fandom's second The Downstream on Friday, September 10 at 11am EST (check for your local time here). It is a 2-hour live Twitch stream during which you will be briefed on what is happening on Fandom, with the latest news and updates.

This session will include 3 special guest, who will each bring a different set of expertise to the table:

  • Joey Merkel, Director of Social Strategy & Operations: discover what social media can do for your wiki.
  • Maggie Owens, Sr. Analyst - Site Analytics: observe how Fandom tracks and explains traffic trends on the platform.
  • Max Spector, Director of Brand Design: learn how the new logo came to be over the rebranding process.

After the presentations, some questions, previously submitted by admin…

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Lady Lostris Lady Lostris 1 June 2021

The FandomDesktop opt-in is now LIVE

After all the blogs Fandom shared with previews, FandomDesktop is now LIVE for you to check out! During this time, logged-in users will be able to switch from Oasis to FandomDesktop as their wiki experience through an opt-in toggle, found in an on-site banner and in user preferences. You will also be able to switch back by changing your user preferences.

Please do note that not everything has been developed yet, so expect changes to still occur. However, you already get access now so editors and admins get used to the new design and, especially, the admins can prepare this community for full migration, which will come early this summer.

Admins, you should definitely check out the new Theme Designer and the FandomDesktop preparation guide for a…

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Lady Lostris Lady Lostris 1 May 2021

FandomDesktop: deeper look into the new navigation

Hey all! As you know, 2021 will be the year of the Fandom/Gamepedia desktop skin redesign, called FandomDesktop. In order to help communities better prepare, understand, but especially get insight and be able to get involved by sharing their feedback, Fandom has been releasing blog posts with the latest updates on the design.

The latest reveal is "A deeper look at Navigation on FandomDesktop", which gives you some more insights and mock-ups for how search, profile submenu, and notifications will look, and some insights as to how the decision about the new local navigation came to be.

If you have a few minutes to spare, I strongly recommend giving it a read (click here). Should you have any questions or concerns about it, please do not hesita…

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Lady Lostris Lady Lostris 13 March 2021

Bug smashing efforts

Hey all! I am super glad that I get to reach out for this and ask for your input! Some of you may have already read the blog announcement on Community Central about this, but for those who haven't: Fandom announced that it would focus the upcoming 2 weeks on an all-hands quality of life project -- read "a two-week bug squashing effort"!

So my question to you all is: are there perhaps any bugs that have been annoying you since whenever UCP came along? This project is the perfect opportunity for you to get the word out about those things! Just drop your report in the comments here, leave me a message, or even reach out to me via Discord if you're more comfortable doing that, and I'll do my best to get your voice heard. These don't have to be …

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AmanGoyalTheJoker AmanGoyalTheJoker 3 November 2020

The new portal has worsened the site

Ever since the last month, when the site immigrated to a new portal, it just isn't working as efficiently and accurately as any site at least should. It has become harder and worsened to edit, create or even search articles.

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AmanGoyalTheJoker AmanGoyalTheJoker 5 October 2020

How I Met Your Mother Reunion 2030

Friends is planning their 25th anniversary reunion. Even though they don't have a plot!

But here in HIMYM, we were already in 2030 even 25 years back from them.

So here is my idea for a reunion movie.

Scene 1:

Barney tells her daughter the story of "How he met her mother". Girl no 31. Ellie tells him to tell the truth. Barney answers her that he actually volunteered and had her through a surrogate mother, something that he was trying to do from the same day he and Ribin5has the conversation to separate.

I guess it would pretty much solve the "destroying Barney's character development" hate, that the Writers are getting.

Second thing.

A tearjerker scene of Tracy's funeral and Ted's speech.... I can't even writ....just okay!


As Lily pays Marsha…

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AmanGoyalTheJoker AmanGoyalTheJoker 5 October 2020

Target 1200 Pages

I see wikias of Friends, The Big Bang theory, Scrubs and Glee, and I realise... They all have way more than 1400 pages, but why? Do they have as many Catchphrases? Or Theories? Or songs? Okay Glee may have that last one. But point is we are gonna have to reach their mark, but first let's chase a small target: 1200. When I joined this wiki, it had 1035 pages and I've already added over 40 NEW PAGES. 40 MEANINGFUL PAGES. So, let's do it together this time... 1200 Pages about show's soundtrack, one time characters and actors.

Let's do it.

Stinson out.

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Lieutinant Whoareyou Lieutinant Whoareyou 28 February 2022

Polls of the Fanatic

Here are some polls I would like you to answer:

Please explain your answers in the "Comments" below.

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How could a HIMYM movie have worked?

I'm not saying it needed one, but out of curiosity (and due to having a project planned which is inspired by, and similar in places to How I Met Your Mother) I wonder how the show would have handled a movie if they had made one.

Do you think they would have somehow acknowledged that it was a movie during the narration? Like would Ted have said something about how this was a longer story than usual for whatever reason?

Whereabouts in the show would you imagine it would go? What season?

Would it be part of the "Who is the Mother?" storyline, providing we hadn't already gotten to the seasons where we know Ted meets her at "a wedding", or even the seasons where we know who she is?

Do you imagine it being still set in New York, or would the charac…

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BarrysConspiracyWrld BarrysConspiracyWrld 31 January 2020

Season 7 Pushes the Miscegenation

I couldn't help notice that the show started pushing the miscegenation big time in season 7.

It's bad enough that TV dramas are all propaganda. It's very bad when it seeps into the sitcoms.

While diversity is wonderful, when it's pushed like this, it's part of an agenda of one world Communism. So, while it seems wonderful, it's part of a plan leading tot total human enslavement. . 

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Carter and Craig being inspired by Coupling?

Last year, I started watching Coupling which is a British sitcom, partly because I had heard that Carter and Craig were inspired by it during the creation of How I Met Your Mother. As soon as I saw my first episode, I could very easily see how Coupling could inspire HIMYM - the method of filming is very similar with flashbacks and flashforwards, and certain episodes such as "The End of The Line", "Remember This?" and "9 1/2 Minutes" would fit in to HIMYM perfectly with the different perspectives of the same event (or memory with the second one.) I have also heard that Barney and Robin's relationship was inspired by Coupling.

However, has this ever been said? If it's in the DVDs I've missed or forgotten it, but does anyone know where this was state…

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Bigfanofhimymnrap Bigfanofhimymnrap 10 February 2019

ranking the 9 seasons

Hello, didnt see you there! Today im ranking the seasons of himym best to worst, with a short explanation, and my fav and least fav episodes of each season. Here i go:

1. season 2, 9.5/10

this is where the show reaches its peak, absoloutley no skips and the best season comedy wise. waiting for marshall n lily to be back together made their reunion legendary, and their wedding was also legendary. the finale marks a whole new era of himym. my fav episode of this season and the whole show has got to be swarley while my least fav of the season is single stamina, still a great episode tho

2.season 1, 9.4/10

to make a show popular, you need a great debut season, and himym does just that. the season does a great job introducing us to the vibe of the …

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Tedmosby09 Tedmosby09 10 June 2018

HIMYM- A Major Pleasure

Starting this blog, I  would like to quote Tracy, as it really is funny how we sometimes just find things. HIMYM was just like that for me. Having just finished another popular series,which would not be named FRIENDS, I was looking for something else to pour my heart into. And i found just the thing. Through the course of the three weeks that i took in watching himym, I have cried with the characters, laughed their joys, felt their despair, but of all, found the best series ever. While the ending may have let down a few, none of us can deny the fact that take out the last 10 minutes, himym is the best there ever was.From the hopelessly romantic Ted Evelyn Mosby, the motherly Lily, the good guy Marshall,the cool Robin, to the playboy Barney…

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ConspiracyMan3794 ConspiracyMan3794 17 March 2018

St. Patrick's Day 2018

St. Patrick's Day today and I just remembered No Tomorrow from Season 3. On this day, the episode when Ted got The Mother's Yellow Umbrella had aired. TEN YEARS AGO!!!!

Barney: Who wants to kiss the Barney Stone?!

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ConspiracyMan3794 ConspiracyMan3794 17 March 2018

First Golden Badge

I just got a Perfect Fortnight! I made contributions to this Wiki everyday for two weeks, hence the word "Fortnight." Take that, Stinson!

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Glimmer9000 Glimmer9000 25 September 2017

Favorite Characters?

QOTD: Comment who your favorite HIMYM character is and why.

AOTD: Ted Mosby - He's a romantic, just like me.

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Glimmer9000 Glimmer9000 22 October 2017


Although Ted seems happy with his wife at the end of Season 9, I personally feel as though he should have ended up with Robin. He has known her for a very long time and is the first person he falls in love with at the beginning of the show, in Season 1, Episode 1. Also, Ted supports Robin whenever she feels down, going as far as to spend hours searching for her special locket during season 9. They also look amazing together, although Robin did reject Ted a lot of times earlier in the show. Of course, I feel happy for Ted and his wife, but It just seems weird that they get married after having met only a few episodes earlier. Comment what you think, who should have Ted ended up with, out of all the girls he's been with in the show?

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Kittykat143 Kittykat143 17 March 2017


my dogs had puppies


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Al229 Al229 5 October 2016

Do you think Marshall is similar to Chandler?

Hi guys! 

This is my first blog post, and I was thinking about if you think any of the characters are similar to others shows characters? Personally Marshall to me seems a little like Chandler from Friends, 

what do you guys think?

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Pratikkejriwal Pratikkejriwal 29 September 2016

How I met Myself

How I Met Your Mother.

It's not just a show for me (at least). It's a way to find ourselves. We all have different characters in ourselves and the only thing required to unlock it, is the right push.

First time when I watched HIMYM, I was in my worst situation, I was living in a flat far from my home and my so called friends cum flatmates usually weren't around me and it was the time of my 12th exams so I was pretty depressed already. And that's the story of how I met "How I Met Your Mother".

I started binge watching and completed all of 208 episodes in like 5-7 days. But I wasn't ready to give up on HIMYM yet. Like finally I had found something which had helped, made me laugh in a very long time and quite frankly it made me desperate to make…

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HailToTheRetard HailToTheRetard 27 August 2016

Why Ted's Voice Is Different In The Future

So we all know the whole problem about the future Ted. His voice is different than the past Ted, well my theory is that we are actually hearing Ted's voice in his perspective. You might question me but have you ever listened to your recorded voice and compared it to your voice you hear when speaking? It never is the same and maybe that is just the voice Ted hears when he speaks, sure it is a pretty different voices but that is a pretty simple and easy to understand theory.

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Danny199 Danny199 18 August 2016

Blue French Horn or Yellow Umbrella

Who suits Ted better, Robin or Tracy? I think both where a great match for him, but that Robin is the one.

What do you guys think?

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Wildesheer Wildesheer 1 April 2016

Ted & Robin

It seemed obvious at the first episode, that Ted and Robin would end up together again.

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Silversong Silversong 30 September 2015

Complete Timeline

Okay, I'm possibly showing my ignorence of the wiki here, but does anyone else think if there was a grand timeline that showed the chronology of the entire show? It would take a lot of fine combing through the episodes, but I think it would be cool to see everything laid out in order. I love the flashbacks that the show did, but it kinda made it hard to keep everything straight.

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Fuentassticquinn Fuentassticquinn 31 July 2015



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Beitzy9 Beitzy9 9 April 2015

What is the episode HELP! HELP! HELP ME PLEASE?

I have been trying to find this episode for days now, it is when Barney is kicked out of the booth and writes a letter, gives it to robin. Robin then reads the letter to the gang and it says 'i am getting some jine' and evil laugh. Then Robin attempts an evil laugh, then barney comes over, does an evil laugh and goes 'that's how you do an evil laugh'.

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LegenDove LegenDove 15 December 2014

Featured Episodes

So, I changed the 'last episode' box on the front page to a 'featured episode', which will be updated every now and then.

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Smittiegirl Smittiegirl 10 November 2014

How curious are you about How I met Your Mother?

Do you ever walked past a house and see the lights on? Aren’t you tempted to have a sneaky peek inside? Go on admit it! Don’t worry, it’s not too sinful, it’s just a natural instinct and is how the human race got where it is today. Curiosity might have killed the cat but for us it is an unstoppable force; it sells millions of newspapers every day, keeps social media alive and has created a whole new industry in an attempt to please all those insatiable virtual readers and viewers.

TV companies are pretty smart and rely on our imagination to fill in a lot of gaps - think of the long running series of Friends or How I met your Mother (HIMYM) - if you have seen it often enough you can visualize the scenes but of course you only see them from t…

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LegenDove LegenDove 27 September 2014

HIMYM in The Sims 4

Hey, everyone!

You might have seen my other blog posts, about HIMYM in Minecraft. Well, stay tuned for that. My old PC burned and IDK if I can get the world save from that or not. But, anyway, I decided I'm going to re-create an entire episode from HIMYM in The Sims 4! I've chosen Best Burger in New York, since it'd be relatively easy to make compared to other episodes.

Anyway, I'm currently creating the sets. Last night I finished MacLaren's Pub. There's some pictures down below.

Thanks for reading! I'll send out updates as the come along! :D

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Gcheung28 Gcheung28 17 September 2014

HIMYM Props Giveaway

It's hard to believe that How I Met Your Mother is officially over, especially with that ending, but there's a chance for you to own a piece of HIMYM history! Over the next five weeks, the recently launched will feature real props from the show that fans can enter to win! This is the ultimate way that the creators feel they will truly be able to thank and give back to the loyal fans. One lucky fan will even have a chance to win the ULTIMATE prize – the actual bar from MacLaren’s complete with bar stools!

There will be a flash sweeps every Monday 8-11pm EST that YOU can enter in order to win a prop! So what are you waiting for? Head over to the website now and bookmark it for future reference! And, if you end up winning that Mac…

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Ggddssee Ggddssee 26 August 2014

Axcelis Technologies (ACLS) Jefe María La corporación puma sobre Q2 2014 Resultados - Ingresos Registro de llamadas

Axcelis Technologies (ACLS) Chief Mary The puma corporation on Q2 2014 Results - Revenues Call Log Great night, men and women, in addition to thank you for visiting Axcelis Technologies Next Call A fourth 2,014 real issue. I'm Debbie and I will be your user belonging to the present. (Address Owner) I would now want to change the actual host your own presentation of what is now called, Jane The puma corporation, president, Top Dog with Axcelis systems. You should go ahead, ma'am Thanks, Dorothy. This can be Betty The puma corporation, chairman and CEO on Axcelis systems. Beside me today may be Kevin Maker, deputy executive command and CFO , along with Doug Lawson, Exec V…

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Fijibuffman1925 Fijibuffman1925 4 July 2014

Lily What is Wrong With You?

Over the seasons, Lily has interfered with a lot of things, mostly Ted's relationships. Some examples of this would be when Ted found out that most of his relationships where ended because of Lily or that Lily bet Marshall that Ted would not end up with Robin. Lily is always pulling this crap and Ted gets mad for one episode and then forgets it ever happened! Lily just ruined Ted's future and he doesn't care. If I was Ted, I would defriend Lily so that maybe my relationships would work out and I'd find "The One" a lot faster. Lily has some bad habits when it comes to interfering in people's lives, but at least Ted can forgive her.

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Fijibuffman1925 Fijibuffman1925 3 July 2014

Barney lost his touch

What happened to Barney? His main goal was to never date or get married, but he's dated so many times in season 6-8. He used to be so cool with the ladies using tactics described in the playbook and the bro code. Part of making the show interesting was Barney picking up chicks, but with him being in a relationship, he has gone soft. Now he's just some Barney that we use to know. Maybe it's for the better, but i like the earlier seasons because he makes the show funnier and he contrasts Ted's constant whining about his "lovelife" or lackthereof. 

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RobinScorpioForever RobinScorpioForever 1 July 2014

Predictions for the Alternate Ending

What do you guys think the alternate ending is going to be about? Post some ideas here!

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RobinScorpioForever RobinScorpioForever 28 June 2014

How I Met Your Dad

Are they still doing the spin-off "How I Met Your Dad"? Because I haven't heard about it in a while.

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Sammy Smalls Sammy Smalls 13 June 2014

I just want some points

But I'll make more relevant blogs later =).

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Barnicle111 Barnicle111 26 April 2014

What things only HIMYM fans wait to say in the perfect scenario?

Okay, so basically the sayings that only HIMYM fans would appreciate in the real world when used correctly.

I'll get everyone started with some of my personal favorites!

1. Lawyer'ed!


3. I said a bang bang Bangity-bang!

4. I want you to be the marshall to my lilly x)

5. Havvvveee you met ted?


7. Dude, your an adult, stop throwing a tantrum.

Alright, I hope this gets the juices flowing, now lets make this blog LEGEN wait for it

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BCitySchreier BCitySchreier 19 April 2014

Rewatch From Beginning: Season 1, Episode 1: Pilot


Now that the series is over (*frown*) the time has come to rewatch the whole series. Plus, this way we can see spot certain things that were mentioned later on in the series. Warning, this journey will contain SPOILERS! 

First I begin this journey with Season 1, Episode 1, the Pilot!

Close to the 50 second mark Ted tells Marshall not to have sex on the kitchen floor....I'm sorry to inform you Ted, but yes, Marshall and Lily will throughout the series have sex on the kitchen floor. 

Note: Ted was there the first time Marshall and Lily had, note to the world of reality, if possible, don't have sex when your roommate is in the room; roommates don't always appreicate it.

Barney: "Don't get married until you are 30"....well Ted, yo…

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BCitySchreier BCitySchreier 1 April 2014

What about Victoria?

Well, the the event finally occured, the last episode of 'How I Met Your Mother' just aired; which of course I watched! But there is this one question that kept bugging me, since the previous episode, Season 9 episode 26 ("End of the Aisle"), there were a loose ends answered in the end credits in concern to the personal lives of a few side characters. But Victoria, starring the lovely Ashley Williams, was not mentioned what so-ever, leaving the rest of us only knowing that she was a baker in Germany when she returned the locket to Ted before the wedding of Barney and Robin! Which is hardly a satisfied explanation of her future.

Now I have a personal attachment to the character Victoria, "The Wedding" (Season 1, episode 12) was the first epi…

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Asnow89 Asnow89 26 March 2014

HIMYM Finale Party

To celebrate (or mourn) the finale of How I Met Your Mother this Monday, March 31, we have prepared the ultimate How I Met Your Mother themed party menu.

A few pro (or should we say...bro) tips:

  1. Play none other than Robin Sparkles during your party
  2. Suit UP
  3. Have blue be the main color theme to represent the blue horn
  4. Don't fight over the food- remember Article 62, a bro that calls "dibs" first, has dibs.
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Alaric Saltzman Alaric Saltzman 26 March 2014

Flashback videos

This is it. The end. HIMYM's official YouTube channel started releasing flashback videos. They contain some of the most memorable scenes from seasons. I'll update the page when they release a new one.

  • Check out the RollingStone's list of 30 best moments!
  • Check out the EW's list of the best 50 episodes!
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Krys78 Krys78 16 March 2014

Well its close to the end...

End of an era too!  I'm sad but at the same time I'm relieved because its ending at a right time.  Maybe a season too long?  But its time.  4 more episodes and that may change my internet interaction too.  Ive been so dedicated to HIMYM and TBBT but I have new things about to happen for me in my personal life so my time here will be seldom starting in Mid April.  

But lets talk about HIMYM.  I feel I may be in the minor to think that the show will end pretty straight forward!  I just dont think TPTB will do something drastic.  They will not kill off the Mother.  MARK IT!  But I still think that the show will play the scenario game.  Where they will have short but signicant scenes dealing with how Barney ends up with Robin and then on anothe…

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Hoxx Hoxx 16 March 2014

Episodes named after Characters

Hey I was that there were two episodes named after a character....were there any before?

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Diego Ramirez Diego Ramirez 16 March 2014

This isn't barney stinson singing this song

that would be really lame

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LegenDove LegenDove 11 March 2014

How I Met Your Mother in Minecraft - Update 2

This will just be my second update. On the right you will see I have made alot of progress lately... but there's stil alot more to come.

Things to do:

  • A bathroom in the apartment Done, will be in next update
  • Marshall and Lily's room
  • Refine the hallway into the apartment
  • Build the ally
  • Build the rest of the street
  • Alot more, the above things are the tasks I'm working on :P
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Himym9 Himym9 6 March 2014

The Mother Theory

Hello fellow HIMYM fans!

There have been many theories on why Ted was crying when the Mother mentioned mothers not being at their childrens' weddings. Any ideas?

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Pranav8917 Pranav8917 1 February 2014

SAD !! :(

Barney and Robins wedding is taking forever!! :( 

Arent they gonna show teds wedding ??? 

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