How I Met Your Mother Wiki
How I Met Your Mother Wiki

Charlie Winthrop
Portrayed by:
Tom Ainsley
Milo Cragnotti (Child)[1]
First appearance:
Home town:
England, United Kingdom
Bartender at Pemberton's
Model (aspiring)
Valentina (ex-girlfriend/future wife)
Courtney (former hook up)
Julia (Dated)
Gallery of Charlie Winthrop images (0)
“Look, I realize that it's just a silly game, okay? But that game... is the only connection that I have to home right now. And yes, I was hoping that I could share it with everyone and that just for one day, I would forget that I'm thousands of miles away from everything that I've ever known. (...) I miss the, the terrible weather, and, and the bland food, and the bars that close at eleven, and fine, I realize I'm not doing a very good job of selling England right now, but I miss it because it's my home!”
―Charlie explaining his homesickness to Valentina.[src]

Charlie Winthrop is a main character in the Hulu series, How I Met Your Father. He is portrayed by Tom Ainsley.


Charlie is an aspiring model from England who fell in love with Sophie's roommate Valentina (an aspiring stylist) at London Fashion Week and followed her to New York. Being the son of conservative aristocrats, Charlie’s a great guy but he’s been living in a rich person’s bubble his whole life. His family cut him off when he had to choose between Valentina over his family fortune. He is now trying to make it as a working class guy and lives with Sophie and Valentina, though he would later get an apartment with Ellen.

Charlie dated Valentina but ultimately they decided to break up and just be friends. Charlie started dating a Valentina look-a-like, Courtney, among many other women as he tried to get over Valentina.

Charlie and Valentina almost rekindled things but upon realizing they want different things when it comes to kids they decide to remain friends. However, at the end of Season 2, it's revealed that eventually Charlie and Valentina have a son named Alex together.


  • Spouse: Valentina (future)[2]
  • Mother: Unnamed (mentioned only)
  • Sons(s): Alex (future)
  • In-law(s): Juan and Raquel (future parents-in-law)

Episode Appearances[]

  1. Pilot (How I Met Your Father)
  2. FOMO
  3. The Fixer
  4. Dirrty Thirty
  5. The Good Mom
  6. Stacey
  7. Rivka Rebel
  8. The Perfect Shot
  9. Jay Street
  10. Timing is Everything
  11. Cool and Chill
  12. Midwife Crisis
  13. The Reset Button
  14. Pathetic Deirdre
  15. Ride Or Die
  16. Universal Therapy
  17. A Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Valentine's Day
  18. Rewardishment
  19. The Welcome Protocol
  20. I'm His Swish
  21. Daddy
  22. Not A Mamma Mia
  23. Family Business
  24. Disengagement Party
  25. Working Girls
  26. The Jersey Connection
  27. Out Of Sync
  28. Parent Trap
  29. Shady Parker
  30. Okay Fine, It's A Hurricane

Notes and Trivia[]

  • Charlie could potentially be The Father, as Sophie met him at Sid and Hannah's engagement party.
    • In Okay Fine, It's A Hurricane, it is revealed that Charlie and Val will get married and have a son together, which potentially excludes Charlie from the candidates for the role of Sophie's husband and the father of her son.
    • Charlie did not want children and the main reason why the broke up.

