How I Met Your Mother Wiki
How I Met Your Mother Wiki

Fun Facts are trivias  that are often told by Ted Mosby when he is showing his favorite things to someone new.


  • In First Time In New York, when the gang visits the Empire State Building with Robin's sister Katie, Ted tells following "Empire State Building Fun Facts":
    • When construction began on March 17, 1930, the framework rose at a rate of four and a half stories per week.
    • The empire state building has tons of places where people can have private conversations.
    • Ittook seven million man-hours to build this 102-story testament to human will.
    • Thereare 1,860 steps. From this... (Gets thrown off the elevator)
  • In Do I Know You?, when Ted makes Stella watch Star Wars, he tells following "Star Wars Fun Facts":
    • Number 7: George Lucas based the film's structure on Akira Kurosawa's The Hidden Fortress. He also owes a debt to Campbell's work on comparative mythology. (Stella loses "wood")
  • In Subway Wars, Ted tells random people in the bus the following "Fun Facts":
    • Alberta Building: In 18.. (fellow passenger fell asleep)
    • The Arcadian: While today it's neoclassical fenestration is considered to be (fellow passenger leaves)
  • In Natural History, while visiting the Natural History Museum, Ted tells Lily and Marshall a "Architectural Fun Fact":
    • Natural History Museum: If you stand in the right spot, you can hear an entire conversation all the way across the room.
  • In ''The Locket'',

See Also[]

ā€¢ Empire State Building

ā€¢ Star Wars

External Links[]

Ted Mosby v ā€¢ t ā€¢ e
Friends & Family Tracy McConnellā€¢ Robin Scherbatsky ā€¢ Marshall Eriksen ā€¢ Lily Aldrin ā€¢ Barney Stinson ā€¢ Alfred Mosby ā€¢ Virginia Mosby ā€¢ Heather Mosby ā€¢ Stacy ā€¢ Ted's kids ā€¢ Tedā€™s Dog
Places MacLaren's Pub ā€¢ The Apartment ā€¢ Wesleyan University ā€¢ Gazzola's ā€¢ Ted's house ā€¢ Goliath National Bank ā€¢ New GNB Headquarters ā€¢ Columbia University ā€¢ Ted's Architecture Class ā€¢ Ted's Second apartment ā€¢ Puzzles
Phrases Ridonkulous ā€¢ Ted Mosby: Architect (phrase) ā€¢ Right? Right?
Others Yellow Umbrella ā€¢ The Threeway Belt ā€¢ Blue French Horn ā€¢ Ted's best friend ā€¢ Sensory Deprivator 5000 ā€¢ Naked Lady Noise ā€¢ Tuxedo Night ā€¢ Tantrum ā€¢ TurTurkeyKey ā€¢ Intervention banner ā€¢ Doctor X ā€¢ Red Cowboy Boots ā€¢ The Swords ā€¢ Five Words ā€¢ Mock Salutes ā€¢ Classic Shmosby ā€¢ The Mosby Boys ā€¢ Fun facts ā€¢ Zitch dog ā€¢ Crossword ā€¢ Calligraphy ā€¢ Property of Ted Mosby
Future Ted Future Ted's euphemisms (Eating a Sandwich) ā€¢ Future Ted's lies ā€¢ Future Ted's uncertainties ā€¢ Future Ted's exaggerations