How I Met Your Mother Wiki
How I Met Your Mother Wiki
How I Met Your Mother Wiki

The narrator of How I Met Your Mother, Future Ted while narrating the story to his kids, sometimes face trouble to realise certain events, that causes him to either getting his facts wrong, or skipping over.


  • In How I Met Everyone Else, Future Ted does not remember the name of the girl Ted Mosby briefly dated, referring her as Blah Blah. In Gary Blauman, he finally remembers her name to be 'Carol'.
  • In The Goat, Future Ted tells the story of Missy, before realizing that it wouldn't happen for another year. The events finally take place in The Leap.
  • In The Mermaid Theory, Future Ted forgets an incident happened between Barney Stinson and Lily and confuses it with a future incident. He confuses the location between inside and outside of MacLaren's Pub. The events of the episode occur a year later in Now We're Even.
  • In Oh Honey, Future Ted is unable to remember the name of Zoey's cousin, instead referring to her as "Honey".
  • In The Magician's Code - Part One, Ted couldn't remember what event was held in Atlantic City that made it impossible to get a cab, saying it could've either been a cheerleading, porn, or sci-fi convention.

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Friends & Family Tracy McConnellRobin ScherbatskyMarshall EriksenLily AldrinBarney StinsonAlfred MosbyVirginia MosbyHeather MosbyStacyTed's kidsTed’s Dog
Places MacLaren's PubThe ApartmentWesleyan UniversityGazzola'sTed's houseGoliath National BankNew GNB HeadquartersColumbia UniversityTed's Architecture ClassTed's Second apartmentPuzzles
Phrases RidonkulousTed Mosby: Architect (phrase)Right? Right?
Others Yellow UmbrellaThe Threeway BeltBlue French HornTed's best friendSensory Deprivator 5000Naked Lady NoiseTuxedo NightTantrumTurTurkeyKeyIntervention bannerDoctor XRed Cowboy BootsThe SwordsFive WordsMock SalutesClassic ShmosbyThe Mosby BoysFun factsZitch dogCrosswordCalligraphyProperty of Ted Mosby
Future Ted Future Ted's euphemisms (Eating a Sandwich) • Future Ted's liesFuture Ted's uncertaintiesFuture Ted's exaggerations