How I Met Your Mother Wiki
How I Met Your Mother Wiki
How I Met Your Mother Wiki
Monday night football - sensory deprivator 1

Ted wearing the device

The Sensory Deprivator 5000 is a device constructed by Ted as follows:

"I placed duct tape on a pair of sunglasses so I can only see out of two tiny holes. Next, I constructed blinders out of an old cereal box. To top it all off: high-tech noise-reducing headphones I bought when Marshall and Lily first got back together and were doing it a lot. I call it the Sensory Deprivator 5000."

Ted used the Sensory Deprivator to prevent him from learning the score of the 2007 Super Bowl when the gang missed it to attend a funeral. The Sensory Deprivator was effective and Ted avoided learning the score even when visiting a sports bar to pick up the gang's traditional hot wings. The cereal box used in its construction was Captain Crunch. (Monday Night Football)

Bad news - sensory deprivator

Barney wears the Sensory Deprivator

Barney wore the device so he could remain in the room during Lily's pelvic exam by Dr. John Stangel. Because the doctor was a doppelganger of Barney, Lily insisted that the only way she would be comfortable being examined by him would be if Barney was in the room at the same time. (Bad News​)

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