Ted's Second apartment
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First appearance
Apartment 15, 521 West 82nd Street
Ted's Second apartment was the apartment Ted Mosby lived in during the seventh and the eighth season. It also was where Quinn lived through the very early stages of, and supposedly prior to, her relationship with Barney.
In The Broath, Quinn announces that she and Barney are moving in together, which gets Robin and Ted fighting over her apartment, since both of them are looking for one. Later in the same episode, Robin tells Ted she got a job promotion and she is taking an apartment near Central Park. She told Quinn that Ted wanted the apartment, and Ted accepted that offer.
In Trilogy Time, Ted makes his first appearance in the apartment.
In Now We're Even, Ted begins to get accustomed to his life alone in his apartment. He shares his experiences with Marshall, particularly being able to walk around naked with nobody taking offense and eating takeout food he saved for himself.
Seeing an opportunity to excite Ted, Barney invites him to go out on the town every night and do crazy things. Before long, Ted resists Barney's invitations and shuns his offer to bungee-jump off the Statue of Liberty. Ted is locked out of the apartment after another of Barney's offers and heads down to MacLaren's to call his apartment supervisor for help.
In The Pre-Nup, Ted wants to throw Klaus out of his apartment, whom he had previously let stay with him to become a hero in front of Victoria.
In Bad Crazy, it is revealed from a police radio that his apartment is at Apartment 15, 521 West 86th Street. It is also shown that Marshall and Barney has been using the apartment as their "clubhouse" where they brought things their significant others won't let them keep in their own apartments.
In Weekend at Barney's, it is shown that Jeanette trashed Ted's apartment twice before their break-up.
In Something New, Ted's shown to have removed all his stuff from the apartment, before departing for Farhampton for Barney and Robin's wedding.
- Ted Mosby (former tenant)
- Quinn Garvey (former tenant)
- Victoria (former roommate)
- Klaus (former roommate)
- Ted moved out of the apartment at the end of season 8 in Something New. He was planning on moving to Chicago. But he met Tracy Mosby and moved to his suburban house, which he bought in season 5 and had spent time renovating until season 8.
- Quinn ultimately sublet the apartment out to Ted after deciding to move in with Barney. It remains unclear where Quinn lived after she and Barney broke up or whether Quinn moved back in after Ted vacated it.